Privacy Policy
Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd value your privacy and take great care to protect any information you provide us with.  Please read our Privacy Policy below for detailson how we use such information.

This Privacy Statement explains how Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd uses personal information and applies to all users of our site and customers on or after the Effective Date. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully. If you do not agree to our practices, please do not register, purchase goods, or otherwise interact with Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd at, over the phone, or via email.

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Statement. You can reach us online at You can reach us via postal mailat the following address:

Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd.
Houldsworth Business Centre
Houldsworth Mill
Houldsworth St

Upon request, we’ll tell you what information we have recorded about you. If you would like any personal information amended or deleted please contact us using the details above.

1. Types of information collected:Personal Information is information that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual. It also includes other information that may be associated with Personal Information. W e collect the following types of Personal Information:Contact Informationthat allows us to communicate with you, such asyour name, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, or other addresses at which you receive communications from or on behalf of Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd.Financial Account Informationas needed to process payments for goods that you buy, such as your credit or debit card number, expiration date, and card verification number.Any personal details you provide us with will only be used to contact you or to satisfy the purpose for which it was collected.

2. Information that is gathered from visitors to the website:In common with other websites, log files are automatically stored on the web server saving details of your visit to the W ebsite. The server does not recognise or record any individual information about you and we cannot identify you personally from these details. The information recorded is: Your server addressThe date and timeThe pages accessed and documents downloadedThe previous site visitedThe type of browser usedThis information may be used for statistical purposes.

3. CookiesW e may use ‘cookies’ to facilitate certain interactive elements of the website. These cookies do not store or provide access to any of your personal information.

4. Your email addressW e do not know your email address unless you give it to us. W e only record your email address if you send us a message, either directly or by completing an online form. We will use it only internally within Stem Injection Systems (Europe) Ltd, and willnot disclose it to other organisations without your permission. W e do not sell or pass on any of our visitors’ details. If you have given us your email address, but do not want to receive any correspondence from us in the future, please let us know by emailing

5. Who has access to your information? We use this information internally and share it with other people or organisations who need to know it as part of working with us in our normal business activities (e.g. Suppliers). W e do not share your personal information with others except under these conditions, and we do not disclose or sell your personal information to others for use in mailing lists or databases.

6. Future Variations We reserve the right to change and update this Privacy Policy if our information practices change at some time in the future,without prior notification and recommend that you revisit this page regularly to keep informed of the current Privacy Policy that governs any information you supply. If you feel that this site is not following this Privacy Policy, please contact us.