Below are answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please get in touch with your queries using either the contact form, by emailing info@steminjectionsystems.com, or give us a call on 0845 643 1162.
Each canister holds 500ml of herbicide, but for large infestations additional canisters are useful and can be stored in the canister pouch attached to the holster belt.
NB – Safe Use of Pesticides
The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:
“By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out.”
For the protection of the operative and in order to adhere to health and safety requirements, we advise that a holster should be used with each stem injection unit. The holster protects the operative when moving between infestations and prevents damage to the equipment when kneeling to inject.
As with any herbicide applicator, the equipment must be cleaned after every use. Regular maintenance will ensure smooth operation of the equipment. Details of maintenance can be gained through training programs details of which can be found on our website.
The JK1000 stem injection system can be used for the control and eradication of hollow cane invasive plant species including Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed. It can also be used to dispense measured dosages of herbicide into pre-drilled holes in other non-native species including Rhododendron. The herbicide label should always be checked before application.
We send most items by courier, delivered the next working day in the UK and within 3-5 days in Europe. All customers should be aware of local taxes and restriction on imports before ordering. Our terms and conditions provide information on this for international sales. T&Cs can be found on this website and should be read before ordering. Our sales team will be able to advise on this at the time of purchase.
We recommend one of our starter kits to provide all the basic kit required for operators to start carrying out treatments. Please email or speak to one of our advisors who will be able to recommend the items required for your specific treatment needs.
Stem injection can be used in all weather conditions, unlike spraying which cannot be carried out on days which are too sunny, too wet or too windy. This means fewer treatment days are lost to adverse weather when using stem injection. The stem injection process is extremely effective with suppression generally achieved in one growing season on healthy vibrant plants, whereas foliar spraying may need to be repeated over 3 to 5 years.
We are happy to recommend or arrange any of the courses discussed above. Please enquire at info@steminjectionsystems.com or see the training part of the website.
As a duty of care, operatives should be competent in the use of the stem injection equipment, which includes training in its use. Stem injection training includes the correct use of the equipment, calibration and cleaning, best practice recommendations, safe storage and maintenance.
To carry out work on or near water, operatives in the UK are required to hold a PA6AW licence from the NPTC and seek approval from the Environment Agency, SEPA or NIEA. Regulations are different in other countries and should be checked prior to work commencing.
In the UK, it is a legal requirement for operators of stem injection equipment to hold PA1 and PA6inj licences from the National Proficiency Test Council. This qualifies the operative to use hand calibrated, hand-held weed control equipment and purchase the herbicide required to use the equipment. We would also recommend the PA6 qualification if spot spraying using a knapsack and PA6AW if working on or near water. Regulations vary in other countries and we recommend that you check with your regulatory body and always check the label of the herbicide.